Monthly Archives: July 2024

3 Tips For Preparing For Eye Surgery

If you have an eye surgery coming up, there are likely a few different things that you can or should be doing to help you prepare. And because your vision is one thing that you’re not going to want to risk when it comes to your health and well-being, it’s important to make sure that you adequately prepare for any surgeries that you have involving your eyes, whether it’s cataract surgery before moving into an assisted living facility or laser eye surgery fix your vision.

To help you with this preparation, here are three tips for preparing for eye surgery. 

Follow All Pre-Surgical Advice From Your Doctor

In order to have an eye surgery scheduled, you have to have met with your doctor beforehand. And at this appointment, they likely gave you some information about what you should be doing now and as it gets closer to your appointment to ensure that you’re ready for whatever surgery you’re having. And while some of this guidance might be inconvenient for you, it’s vital that you follow exactly what the doctor said in order to get the results you want. 

Some of the pre-surgical advice that you may have been given could include what food to eat or not eat, what medications you should take or not take, when you should stop wearing your contacts, to apply certain antibiotic drops, and more. Whatever it was that your doctor advised, do your best to strictly follow this guidance. 

Dress For Comfort

When you’re getting ready to leave your home for your appointment, it’s going to be most comfortable for you if you wear comfortable clothes to the surgery.

Depending on the surgery that you’re having, you may have to lay down for quite some time or rest and recuperate for a few days or more after the surgery. But if you’ve dressed in clothes that aren’t comfortable, you may not be able to relax for the surgery and recovery period as well as you otherwise could. So to avoid this, it’s best to just dress for comfort on the day of your surgery. 

Properly Clean Your Eyes

The day before your surgery, you’re going to want to do everything you can to ensure that your eyes are clean and ready for the surgery ahead of you. 

To best do this, your surgeon might recommend that you use a mild soap to cleanse your eyes and the area around your eyes. By using a mild soap that will keep the area clean, you should be able to reduce your chances of developing any eye infections as a result of the surgery you’re having. 

If you’re going to be having some kind of eye surgery soon, consider using the tips mentioned above to help you prepare for this medical procedure.