Music Enthusiast Michael Mullins out of New Jersey, Discusses the Health Benefits of Playing Guitar

Many people have heard that music is good for the soul. Music enthusiast Michael Mullins explained that it’s not just a rumor. Numerous scientific studies prove that playing guitar and other musical instruments has a lot of health benefits.

“Anyone who plays guitar will tell you that it’s good for their health,” Michael Mullins of New Jersey said. “It improves the mood, releases stress, and helps create lifelong relationships. Playing guitar changed my life, and I know it can benefit so many others too.”

It’s a Mood-Booster

It’s common for people to feel better after listening to music or creating it themselves. However, many do not know why. Mullins explained that the vibrations and sounds of music are therapeutic and are even effective in treating pain. Being creative is also therapeutic, and mastering new skills provides confidence. All of these elements combine to make guitar playing a significant mood-booster.

It Improves Brain Function

One of the most significant health benefits of playing guitar is that it can improve brain function. Countless studies show playing music can improve childhood development and help prevent dementia. An otolaryngologist from Johns Hopkins Medicine explained that the brain performs a lot of work to make sense of playing and listening to music. It can improve creativity, hand-eye coordination, and long-term memory recall.

Playing Guitar Reduces Stress

Michael Mullins from New Jersey explained that music helps reduce his stress, and he’s not the only one. Studies show that playing guitar and other instruments decreases heart rate, lowers blood pressure, reduces anxiety, and diminishes stress. It can even be a deterrent for depression. 

Research from the American Psychological Association states that music may be more successful than prescription drugs in reducing stress and anxiety before surgery. Mullins described guitar playing as an effective stress-reducer when the pressures of life are overwhelming.

It Provides Connection

Social interaction is therapeutic. It helps individuals develop support systems for life’s most difficult experiences. Playing guitar leads individuals to meet fellow musicians and make lifelong connections. It can even take individuals out of their comfort zones to open mics or talent shows, building confidence and opening opportunities for even more personal connections.

Relationships among family members can also be built or repaired through playing guitar and other instruments. Strumming around the bonfire or singing along to favorite songs can reinforce connections within the family as easily as it can build them with outsiders.

Michael Mullins and Guitar

New Jersey’s Michael Mullins is a self-taught guitar player who has been practicing for more than 20 years. He finds that guitar playing has improved his mental and physical health, including stress reduction, improved mood, and a clearer state of mind. Mullins encourages kids and adults to consider taking a guitar lesson if they’re looking for a sizeable life transformation.